No, we are not different from the world, we just believe in making one for everyone.
We believe merchandise is the most effective way to support a cause. When you buy Fasttalks' merchandise, you support our work on fashion activism and sustainable tourism and contribute to local artisans at large (by buying their handmade items). We specialize in developing merchandise collections that depict, represent, or hold values for a specific idea, ethnic group, community, or even just a mass belief. After all, for us, activism is not just anger or loud shouts on the streets, it's a merchandise line.
When you buy a FAST merchandise line, you not only support our causes working around FASHION ACTIVISM or SUSTAINABLE TOURISM but also contribute to a local community of artists at large.
We also specialize in concept merchandise on a topic/subject you/we believe in. We have created many one-liners and taglines for multiple merchandise items for NGOs, Corporations, Government Departments, Individuals, etc. Our merchandise line includes T-shirts, Coffee Mugs, Travel accessories, and customized local-flavored handicraft merchandise.
You can share about yourself and let us inject energy and life into your idea/brand/product line simply by writing to us at fasttalks[at]outlook[dot]com, and we will come up with a merchandise series for you that is high quality, thought-provoking, and something you will be proud of.
Let's connect to create something new.